You, too! Kim Jong-cheol? 정의당 대표의 성범죄로 드러난 진보의 실체?

Justice Party
Justice Party

Mr. Kim Jong-cheol,  the leader of the liberal minor Justice Party stepped down from his post after the sex scandal. He admitted he sexually abused Rep. Jang Hye-young, deputy floor leader of the party.

Wow. That guy? Isn’t this guy always condemned the sex offenders in Korea lamenting “lack of morality”? Isn’t this Justice Party the one which strongly accused “old establishment” for not being fair to women? Mr. Kim was caught this time. But is it his first time to sexually abuse women inside the Justice party?

Maybe their version of the moral standard as well as notion of fairness is different from what we know. It may be O.K. to sexually abuse women in liberal parties. That’s interesting. If that is true, you may see a flood of new male membership in liberal parties in Korea soon.

Mr. Kim is following the rampant footsteps of this list of sexual offenders of liberal side like Mr. Park , a former mayor of Seoul and Mr. Oh. a former mayor of Busan. Congratulations!

We just have one advice to those sexual predators out there in disguise of liberals. You just cannot have a cake and eat it, period. Just pick up one. Don’t hurt women any more or stop pretending you are people with high moral standard. ‘Cause we are sick of you guys’ double standard. O.K.?

정의당 김종철 대표가 원내 부대표인 현직 의원조차 성추행을 했다면 그가 일반 당원이나 당직자들에게 지금까지 무슨 짓을 했을까?

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